(Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday 1pm-4pm)
For best results do not to eat ninety minutes prior to your appointment. Book yourself a minimum of half an hour of quiet time after your treatment to absorb the benefits. Do not do any heavy lifting that day, post-treatment. Health history forms are filled out prior to the session on your first visit, so come five minutes early. Your first appointment/Intake includes your health history, informed consent, massage therapy and may include prescribed postural, hydrotherapy and exercise therapy.
Massage is covered by Motor Vehicle/Auto Insurance, if you sustain an injury in a car accident. A doctor's referral is necessary. Many work and private Extended Health Care plans cover Registered Massage Therapy.
Rates as of April 2018:
- 30 minute appointment for $56
- 45 minute appointment for $79
- 60 minute appointment for $98
Hospital visits
SPECIAL RATES * The Hospice, Hospital and Nursing Home Flat Rate is $155 and is valid during the 1pm to 4pm office hours Tuesday and Thursday. You must supply the Adjustable hospital bed or massage table at the site. The first hour $155 this rate includes a 10 min health history review, of the health history form (to be submitted to office prior to the onsite visit). 30 minute treatment appointment, >25 minutes return car travel time and set up time. $55 for each additional 1/2 hour. Add either Parking &/or cab fare to the fee.
The area served is within these boundaries of the downtown Toronto area:
West to Christie/Grace, North to St Clare Ave, East to Yonge St & South to Dundas St. Anywhere outside these boundaries and office hours additional charges will apply.
*Note that the appointment is includes a 30 minute treatment and requires you to have the health history form fill out for review on arrival is allotted 10 minutes of your appointment time.
Also Follow-up appointments require updating of your health history.


Please inform Anne prior to your appointment about your insurance coverage,
by putting a note on your file when booking, or let her know by phone or email.